Dynamics 365 Pre Go Live Checklist

Pre Go-live Health Check list: Solution acceptance by users: UAT Is UAT completed successfully? How many users participated in UAT? Did UAT test cases cover entire scope of requirements planned for go-live? How many bugs/issues from UAT are still open? Any of the open bugs/issues a showstopper for go-live? Was UAT done using migrated data? Business signoff: Business has signed off after UAT that the solution meets business needs?

Dynamics 365 货运集装箱标签指南

Major retailers have identified incorrect logistic unit (pallet) labeling as a major emerging supply chain issue. A recent sample audit found that approximately 44% of pallet labels are not meeting agreed upon industry requirements. The issues they face include: No label has been applied Label is in the wrong location Information on the label does not match what is on the pallet Multiple labels with different Serial Shipping Container Codes (SSCC) been applied Pallet label will not scan Stretch-wrap has been applied over the pallet label so it doesn’t scan The following information contains guidelines and general information on how to create and apply good quality logistic (pallet) labels as per the standard requirements of the Retail Industry.

Walkthrough: Extending RunBaseBatch Class to Create and Run a Batch

Walkthrough: Extending RunBaseBatch Class to Create and Run a Batch Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 You can design your own batch job by extending the RunBaseBatch class. You can also write code to schedule the batch to run. By default, after a batch is scheduled, the batch is no longer associated with the client.

使用 Aria2 实现百度云(Baiduyun)自动转存到谷歌云(GoogleDrive)

前文已经说过如何通过 Aria2离线下载并自动上传到 Google Drive,请参照 Aria2 搭建离线下载并自动上传到 Google Drive 本文将具体说明如何通过 Aria2 离线下载百度云盘的内容 从而实现百度云转存到 Google Drive 安装 需要以下二个工具配合使用: BaiduExporter:百度云盘导出下载的 Chrome 插件。下载地址 Aria2:离线下载工具 BaiduExporter设置 下载的BaiduExporter由于目前chrome的限制,是无法直接使用的。 **解决办法:**修改文件后缀为.rar 然后解压缩,得到如下文件夹。 Chrome设置 在Chrome扩展程序中打开开发者模式,加载已解压的扩展程序,然后选中刚才解压的文件夹即可。 百度云设置 刷新浏览器来到百度网盘后,任意选中一个文件就可以看到多出了一个导出下载的按钮了。 点击设置,在这里需要输入之前配置好的ARIA2的地址和远程下载的文件夹,这个文件夹我就选上一篇文章中设置好的可以自动上传到googledrive的文件夹了,其他参数不需要修改。 RPC地址格式: 使用 使用非常简单,在百度云中选中需要下载的文件,点击 ARIA2 RPC 后下载就已经自动开始啦。 结语 充值一波信仰吧,否则速度会让你崩溃。

如何将 UAT 的数据在上线时部署到生产环境(How to Deploy UAT Data to Production Server in Dynamics 365)

前言 首先这次的操作并不是官方推荐的,但是在绝大多数上线的时候,主数据都是在UAT环境配置和测试,并且绝大多数的应用顾问或者用户都不希望做这种重复劳动,他们太忙了吧~ 然而系统并没有提供可以直接部署或者还原的功能,那么我们就创建一个Service Request给微软吧。 Service Request 登录 LCS,打开 Project Details ,创建一个新的Service request 如下图: 新建 如下图: 选择 Sandbox to production 如下图: 接下来需要选择 Sandbox source 、downtime 等等 提交 勾选所有选项后提交吧,提示说这个过程至少需要5个小时的停机时间,但是绝大多数情况1小时左右就能完成了。